Programing Language:
Platform: Shiny
A shiny app that interactively highlights the positive relationship between a law school’s median undergraduate GPA, median LSAT score, and bar passage.
The bulk of the application resides in an app.R
file, the contents of which are below:
# function that creates scatterplot ---------------
plot_rates <- function(df, select_year, eval, metric, select_school) {
# create axis labels ------
# create named list of axis components and their labels as strings
# then we will access string to create axis label
axis_labels <- list('lsat50' = 'Median LSAT',
'uggpa50' = 'Median Undergraduate GPA',
'scaled_admissions' = 'LSAT / Undergrad GPA Combo (Standardized to mean of 0 and st. dev. of 1)',
'pass_rate' = 'School Bar Pass Rate (%)',
'pass_diff' = 'Difference Between School and State Bar Pass Rate (%)')
# filter dataset for years -------
# filter dataset if one of the specific years is selected
# also set opacity at .8 for single years
if (select_year %in% unique(df$year)) {
df <- df %>%
filter(year == select_year)
# plot data -----
df %>%
# create column signifying whether school is selected
mutate(selected_school = ifelse(.$schoolname == select_school, T, F)) %>%
plot_ly(x = .[[metric]], y = .[[eval]], color = ~selected_school,
# set color palette to one that display categoricals well
colors = "Accent",
# add tooltip (hover) information
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = ~paste0("School Name: ", schoolname,
'<br>Year: ', year,
'<br>School Pass Rate: ', pass_rate, '%',
'<br>School / State Difference: ', pass_diff, '%',
'<br>Median Undergrad GPA: ', uggpa50,
'<br>Median LSAT Score: ', lsat50)) %>%
add_markers(x = .[[metric]], y = .[[eval]],
marker = list(
opacity = 0.9,
size = 8,
line = list(
width = 3
))) %>%
# add loess smoother fit line
add_lines(y = ~fitted(loess(df[[eval]] ~ df[[metric]])), color = 'rgb(158,202,225)') %>%
# remove legend
layout(showlegend = FALSE,
title = "Bar passage and median law school undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores",
# axis labels to use, depending on selections
xaxis = list(
title = axis_labels[[metric]],
# remove axis line at zero intercept
zeroline = F),
yaxis = list(
title = axis_labels[[eval]],
# add percentage sign to y axis tick labels
ticksuffix = "%",
# remove axis line at zero intercept
zeroline = F))
# import and clean data -----------------
# data is from ABA 509 disclosure, stores in an Amazon s3 bucket
# data was imported and cleaned in the file 'create_datasets.R'
full <- read_rds("data/bar_passage.rds")
# create unique values of years, to be used in drop down
# sort from largest to smalles
unique_years <- unique(full$year) %>%
sort(decreasing = T)
# create unique list of schools to select from
unique_schools <- unique(full$schoolname) %>%
sort(decreasing = F)
# create string that is the max year through the min year, to be used in drop
# down arrow to signify all years
all_years <- sprintf("%i - %i", min(unique_years), max(unique_years))
# create year drop down, which is each unique year and a value fo all years (ex: 2013 - 2017)
year_drop_down <- append(all_years, as.character(unique_years))
# convert years column to character; since the drop down menu is character the dataset
# also needs to be character for filtering
full$year <- as.character(full$year)
# ui ------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("The relationship between a school's undergraduate GPA, LSAT, and bar passage rate"),
sidebarPanel(width = 2,
# drop down arrow for year
selectInput("select_year", "Year:",
# overall passage rate or school / state difference
radioButtons("eval", "Bar Passage (Y-axis)",
choices = c("Overall Pass Rate" = "pass_rate",
"School / State Difference" = "pass_diff")),
# gpa, lsat, or gpa / lsat combo
radioButtons("metric", "Admissions Criteria (X-axis)",
choices = c("Median GPA" = "uggpa50",
"Median LSAT" = "lsat50",
"GPA/LSAT Combo" = "scaled_admissions")),
# selectizer for schools
selectizeInput("select_school", label = "Select Schools to Highlight:",
choices = unique_schools,
options = list(
placeholder = 'Type in school name',
onInitialize = I('function() { this.setValue(""); }')
"GitHub repo")
mainPanel(width = 10,
# plot data
plotlyOutput("plot", height = "600px")
# table of dataset
column(width = 12,
h4("The entire data set is below:"),
tags$p("Data Source: ",
tags$a(href="", "ABA 509 data from AccessLex")),
# server ------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# scatterplot of data
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_rates(full, input$select_year, input$eval, input$metric, input$select_school)
# table of data
output$full_data <- DT::renderDataTable({
DT::datatable(full, rownames=FALSE,
colnames = c('School Name' = 'schoolname', 'Pass Rate (%)' = 'pass_rate', 'School / State Diff (%)' = 'pass_diff',
'Median GPA' = 'uggpa50', 'Median LSAT' = 'lsat50', 'GPA/LSAT Combo' = 'scaled_admissions', 'Year' = 'year')
shinyApp(ui, server)